Saturday, October 24, 2009

lovely technology...

I realised that, even though I always been up to speed with technology, I hadn't treated myself to anything new in months (due to never having time to shop as I'm always working at Rocket). I thought about the iPhone 3G and discounted it as its not nearly as business orientated as the HTC I have (and is a bit gimmicky (never thought I'd say that about Apple gear), and thought about one of the new Bang and Olufson Media boxes (didn't want to get a mortgage to buy one (but might yet ... and soon)) and then decided on a Sony Touch Reader as a mate of mine has the earlier version and swears by it.

Since getting it, I can't figure out why I have real books ... ok slight exaggeration! But seriously, what a machine! Light, easy to read in almost all light, and thousands of books at the touch of a finger. I did think about the Kindle 2 but decided against it as it hasn't the same range of file type.

Money well spent....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

forgot to say...

Have just started a small specialist branding and pure design company, to enable me to get 'back to my roots'. Called The Sugarhouse Collective, we are a small group of designers who have decided to get back to pure design... If I ever get time, the website should be live soon..


just had a look at some of my ramblings... take time off to smell the daisies... haha! No Chance! Just had a day off after a 3 week stint doing 8am - 9.30pm 7 days a week. Have to reassess...

On a more sombre note, many people including some friends and aquaintances, are having difficulties in this recession. Not good for a smooth life! Some people have been daft and over-extended in the 'boom' years, but even though, no one deserves to go through financial difficulties, no matter how silly they've been.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Good friends...

I recently received a present of a painting from a mate of mine, and I realised how lucky I am to have such really good solid friends. I have friends all over the place, and, even though I don't see them sometimes for long periods of time, I know I can just pick up the phone and talk to them as if we were just picking up on the last conversation.

I've decided that I am going to actually take time off and start smelling the daisies, including taking up some of the offers from all around the world to go and stay with friends.

Will this happen?I think it really has to. Business is getting busier and busier, and I have to start enjoying some real time off.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

great technology.......

We've been considering a CAC for ages, and we finally bought one, a Verevide Colour Assessment Cabinet. What a great piece of technology! Transmissive and reflective work can be assessed as a comparison on the box or cabinet. That combined with our Pantone Two reader means that our colour reproduction accuracy is going to be higher than ever, and our artist clients in particular will be happy bunnies.

Another new service we're offering is a 4000 dpi scan up to 6 x 7 transparencies on a Super Nikon scanner.

Time to start looking for our next premises at this rate :)

twitter - whoo...

I was sent a link from a friends Twitter page. I was interested as I hadn't really looked at this before. Ye gods! What a waste of time. I've seen some stupid nonsense as part of the web revolution, but this is the complete nadir of the technology....

I seriously expect some people even tell you when they are in the toilet. It really is that trite a concept. Who is interested in every little detail of someone elses day? Don't they have a life of their own.

I suspect that this is aimed squarely at people who can be called the first 4 letters of Twitter.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a smile...

Just read ' a smile in the mind' again. It really is one of the definitive design books around. I was totally amazed when some of our staff said they hardly ever read a book, instead getting all their information off the web.
What's wrong with that I hear you say.... it's something like the way that all the news programmes report the same events in the same way. Why? because they're taught to go online in their comfy warm office, and Google for information. Of course, they are using the same search terms so they end up with the same results.
So much for journalism degrees. I think that the media was better served by having people learn their trade (or profession) in the field, which lead to widely varying news coverage instaed of the current myopic view we all have now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

catching up..

Been a while since I put anything on this blog. I just haven't had the time, but I'm going to do it regularly now... a belated New Year's resolution.

So what's been happening? ....

I sold a few prints after my exhibition last year, and am just away to launch my personal site on boxorange, our new service to artists.

Anything else? So much I can't even think about it. I've finally put together my (hopefully) next book of poetry....